Our Assets

Orana Farm Bendigo Sanctuary


Location: Victoria
Area: 4,674 hectares
Seasonal crops, olive grove and natural capital.

Orana is converting from conventional to sustainable cropping and permanent planting. With high natural capital value and large-scale seasonal crops, development of an Olive Grove will further diversify income streams.

Impact highlight: Orana Sanctuary has been built for Australian threatened species protection and breeding on 200ha of predator- proof land. The sanctuary will become a new home for the Eastern Bettong and Bush Stone Curlew recovery programs. 

Picardy Queensland cropping koala


Location: Queensland
Area: 10,620 hectares.

After successful conversion from beef farm to seasonal crops- sorghum, chickpeas and cover crop rotation, Picardy utilizes large- scale, regenerative agronomic systems to grow productive crops and build soil carbon. The property has very good quality topsoil with an above average Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). This provides elevated moisture holding capacity and a high-quality supply of natural mineral content. This insulates against dry finishes to cropping program with even a 1% increase in Soil Organic Carbon allowing the soil to hold 150,000Lts / ha more moisture in the top 10cm.

Jamea Aggregation

Location: New South Wales
Area: 6,658 hectares

In FY22 Tiverton purchased the Jamea Aggregation (Jamea), a non-contiguous dryland broad acre cropping asset. Containing immense soil carbon potential and an established cropping enterprise, Jamea will be converted to a masterplanned sustainable food production and biodiverse natural capital farm, with strategic plantings of indigenous species.

Impact Highlight: A soil carbon sequestration project is planned to be submitted for registration with the Emissions Reduction Fund. Biodiversity corridor planting is also planned as a key component of the Jamea masterplanning process.

The Great Cumbung

Location: New South Wales
Area: 33,765 hectares

Purchased as a joint venture with The Nature Conservancy, the Great Cumbung is a globally significant conservation project, protecting the The Great Cumbung Swamp. Sustainable harvest of firewood ensures Redgums don’t encroach on the swampland.  Pastoral rehabilitation of an area of 20,000 Ha of Juanbung have been completely rested from livestock grazing which has seen a proliferation of indigenous herbs, grasses and shrubs.

Impact Highlight: Swampland is able to sequester the highest amount of carbon of any ecosystem. 


Location: Western Australia
Area: 1,,135 hectares.

A collaboration with Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (ETNTAC), Tiverton co-facilitated the Kardutjaanup Rejuvenation Project by purchasing 1,135 of 3,995 ha of the broadacre cropping property Kardutjaanup. The project has established a new model for First Nations land acquisition across Australia.

Impact Highlight: A soil carbon and biodiverse reforestation carbon project are planned, which will see the adoption of sustainable agriculture principles and the reconnecting of habitat to the adjacent regional park.

STewart Table Grapes

Location: Victoria- Sunraysia region.
Area: 86 hectares.

Stewart Table Grapes (STG) produces high-quality, export accredited fruit. The property has well developed soil health and high water security available through leasing. 

Impact Highlight: STG has seen the successful application of Tiverton’s Liquid Biofertiliser program executed across the vineyard, improving crop disease and pest resilience.