
Tiverton, along with RegenAG, have partnered to establish a Joint Venture entity CircleAG Pty Ltd to commercialise the sale of Liquid Biofertiliser (LBF) products. We now have successful results for farm production, resilience and soil carbon sequestration. 

Excitingly, CircleAG products are now produced and applied at a commercial farming scale and importantly, are now a long-term, cost effective alternative to the synthetic fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides that have destroyed our soils. This places CircleAG at the forefront of soil health focussed farming at scale.

Tiverton has successfully demonstrated that soil health can be revitalised without compromising food production in cropping, grazing, and horticulture. By extending soil life, sequestering essential carbon to combat climate change, enhancing food nutrient density, and maintaining or improving farm profitability, we aim to foster biodiversity and contribute to extinction mitigation efforts. This process has laid the foundations for the creation and subsequent expansion of CircleAG.

CircleAG’s flagship product, CircleMIN Biofert, is crafted using a manufacturing process that mirrors natural systems. CircleMIN harnesses the power of sporulated beneficial microbes, chelated minerals, and microbial secondary metabolites. In harmony with CircleMIN, CircleAG's specialised input range acts as concentrated biological soil conditioners, optimising nutrient uptake and fostering balanced ecosystems that support plant growth. 

Impact Highlight: 

  • Ardgardon Pastoral’s dressed lamb weights increased from 18kg to 24kg through use of CircleAG products in pasture improvements.

  • Orana Park’s canola oil content increased from 47% to 51%, through CircleAG product application across the crop.

  • Orana Park’s olive grove has fruited 12 months ahead of expectation, due to the use of CircleAG products since its development.